Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Encouragement from Amanda in Georgia

As youve all heard recently about how Sylvias been having so much victory pleading the Blood of Jesus when she experiences demonic attacks through Michael (not Michael himself though! J), it just turns out that I already have that book too! (How to be the Happy Wife of an Unsaved Husband by Linda Davis) I copied the chapter that she likes so much on the Blood: The Secret Weapon Hallelujahhh! I also copied a portion of Billye Brims The Blood and the Glory which youll like too Im sure. J

Linda Davis little paperback book I agree is jam-packed with great wisdom dealing with carnal or unsaved spouses that can really be used even if you’re a male stander. Although it has excellent teaching, it doesnt read teachy but is readable like a novel would be. I encourage reading it to you all too, especially if youve been a stander less than ~several years (have less practical hands-on experience). J



Excerpt from The Blood and the Glory:

Excerpt from How to be the Happy Wife of an Unsaved Husband:

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