There's so many roses, you cannot even really see them all in one picture....but wow, guys, you blew me away. What a wonderful birthday gift....all you have done. Thank you just doesn't say it enough.
Love & hugs,
Ruth Anne
News for the ministry group, Hope for Hurting Marriages.
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Hello Everyone,
It's been a very long time since I've written you about our grandson Asher mostly because not much had changed in his condition. Paul and I visited this past weekend and I'm writing you now to ask for your prayers. Several weeks ago, Asher got a very bad cold followed by a stomach bug and he is now down to 12 pounds something at two and a half. Mark and Jess had some sort of feeding tube in but it agitated him so much that it caused him to have more of his breathing lapses. They are now contemplating some sort of permanent feeding tube but nothing they do for Asher is without risk.
He doesn't sleep very much at all. If he did, he wouldn't burn so many calories and would likely have better overall health.
Even though Asher does not have much physical strength, he raised his hands to my face as I kissed him goodbye yesterday.
I've attached a couple of pictures.
I'm praying that Asher will begin experiencing 8 hours of restful sleep daily and that his appetite will increase and also that Jess and Mark will be given wisdom about whether or not to go the feeding tube route.
Thanks so very much for standing with us for Asher.
Lots of love,
Judy Rousseau
As you’ve all heard recently about how Sylvia’s been having so much victory pleading the Blood of Jesus when she experiences demonic attacks through Michael (not Michael himself though! J), it “just turns out” that I already have that book too! (How to be the Happy Wife of an Unsaved Husband by Linda Davis) I copied the chapter that she likes so much on the Blood: “The Secret Weapon” Hallelujahhh! I also copied a portion of Billye Brim’s The Blood and the Glory which you’ll like too I’m sure. J
Linda Davis’ little paperback book I agree is jam-packed with great wisdom “dealing with” carnal or unsaved spouses that can really be used even if you’re a male stander. Although it has excellent teaching, it doesn’t read “teachy” but is readable like a novel would be. I encourage reading it to you all too, especially if you’ve been a stander less than ~several years (have less practical “hands-on” experience). J
Excerpt from The Blood and the Glory:
Excerpt from How to be the Happy Wife of an Unsaved Husband: