Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fireproof the Movie ~ September 26th

On Friday, September 26, FIREPROOF will open in more than 800 theaters nationwide. The new movie from the creators of Facing the Giants is an action-packed love story about a firefighter, his wife ... and a marriage worth rescuing!

While this faith-based film is flying under the Hollywood radar screen, real people in real communities across the country are rallying behind it. In fact, it will open in 95 more cities than originally planned thanks to local people buying 1,000 tickets to bring it there!

I don't know when I've been more excited about the opening of a movie. I hope you will see FIREPROOF on its opening weekend. Hollywood judges a movie based on how it does in its first three days, so it's important to go September 26-28.

If you want more information, go to

See you at the movies!


It's not an easy message to write. Judy called Friday afternoon and left a message that Asher has gone home to the arms of Jesus.

The doctors had told them that Asher probably wasn't going to make it through the weekend. Mark, his father, had some things to do for work, so while he was out, he got a call that Asher's breathing was very labored. Mark got there just before Asher passed on into glory, into the arms of His loving Savior.

Please keep the Rousseau family in your prayers, as they mourn the loss of this wonderful, brave little boy, who is now restored to full health in heaven. As I have more details from Judy, I will let all of you know.